Plant Experience
Album (27)
Lucky Coyote
Lucky Coyote
Getter better little by little 😥
Lucky Coyote
actually a little mad :/ one of my roomies tossed the two smallest tiger's jaw starts because "they didn't look right"
Lucky Coyote
this tiny little jaw just popped open 😍😍
Lucky Coyote
I'm not sure how this one is handling the transplant, but the leaves are definitely getting firmer. Hoping it clears up soon
Lucky Coyote
transplanted this into a very loose and well-draining soil mixture, hopefully the white on the leaves goes away soon
Lucky Coyote
They seem to be improving after I cut off several starts
Lucky Coyote
sorry for not posting in a while, I was without a camera :(
anyway, I repotted my tiger's jaws after the pot was waterlogged outside of my care and its leaves have begun to turn pocked and white and I need a bit of advice on how to fix this :(
anyway, I repotted my tiger's jaws after the pot was waterlogged outside of my care and its leaves have begun to turn pocked and white and I need a bit of advice on how to fix this :(
Lucky Coyote
Here's a better shot 😍
Lucky Coyote
Omg it's blooming 😍👌🏻
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